When to Hire an Attorney After a Car Accident

Due to the ads from law firms across the country, you may think everyone involved in an accident will be mistreated by the responsible insurance company. As a result, they should hire an attorney.

What may be surprising is that there are countless situations where insurance companies are doing their jobs – as expected.

While this is true, there are some situations where you need to get an attorney involved, and knowing the signs that you need this legal representation can be quite helpful.

Liability Is Not Clear

You may need to hire an attorney after a crash if it is not clear who was at fault. While police may come and state that one party is liable, the person may deny this. If this happens, their insurance company may deny your compensation claim.

If you find yourself in this situation, having the help of an attorney is invaluable. They can gather evidence and even bring in expert witnesses when needed. Usually, these are tasks an accident victim will find challenging to handle on their own.

You Don’t Know What Your Accident Claim Is Worth

When it comes to determining the value of your accident claim, many factors come into play. While you may know what the tangible damages, such as property damage and medical bills, have cost you, what about the intangible damages?

These include things like long-term injuries or disabilities, ongoing medical costs, pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and more. With all these complex considerations, if you don’t hire an attorney, you may settle for less than what you deserve.

An attorney will review all the facts of your case and help determine the long-term value of your case. This will ensure you get what you deserve and that you will have the financial means to recover from your accident fully.

You Are Unsure How to Prove Your Losses

If the insurance adjuster asks you to prove your injuries and that the damages you suffered are worth more, do you know how to do this? In many cases, there are extenuating circumstances that will make your claim more valuable.

However, if you aren’t sure how to acquire and present the required evidence, you may not be given the additional damages you deserve. An attorney can help with this. As mentioned above, their goal is to help you recover as much as possible from your accident claim.

Hire an Attorney for Help with Your Accident Case

As you can see from the information here, there are more than a few situations where you should hire an attorney to help with your accident case. If you are in a situation where any of the above apply, don’t hesitate to find and hire legal representation.

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