What Happens to Property After a Divorce?

Divorce involves more than ending the legal partnership between two spouses. It also involves dividing the household assets and debts. Different states handle divorce and property in different ways. Most states divide property by equitable distribution. This means that the marital property is divided “fairly,” though it may not be equal. However, some states are…

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5 Ways that Medical Malfeasance Can Occur

Medical malfeasance is one of those terrible occurrences in life where everyone loses. Whether you know it as medical malpractice, medical malfeasance, or even medical negligence, all of these talk about the same situation, where a medical professional failed their patient by providing substandard treatment that caused them harm. With a range of 15,000 to…

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What Is Wrongful Death? Your Questions, Answered

There are a tragic number of wrongful deaths happening every year, or deaths happening that could have been prevented. To give an example, medical error is the third most prevalent cause of death in the U.S., and this is just one category of wrongful death. The real numbers are incalculable, as this is often something…

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