Are Workplaces Going to be Safe After The Circuit Breaker?

The circuit breaker is set to end on June 1, and businesses are gradually going to start continuing their activities.

Anyway, we still have uncertainties. Is it a good idea to reopen the city-state even when the number of affected is still rising?

To be honest, if we only take safety and health into account, the answer is probably no. With the pandemic becoming a threat and still not looking to cool down, the best place a person can be is inside their homes.

However, humans have a social system. We have something called the economy. Thus, especially in a developed country like Singapore, the government will need to find a way for the economy to continue and thrive.

So, will Offices and Workplaces be Safe?

The answer is, it depends on us. ‘Us’ refers to every citizen; business owners, employees and customers. If we look at the present context and the situation around the world, the Singaporean government has done almost everything in its favour to keep its citizens safe. It has also done an impressive job with budget planning.

If you look at the Singapore budget 2020 summary, many incentives have been specifically designed to make it easy on businesses that will be obviously be affected by the pandemic. Some include a tax waiver and tenant fee rebate. Around $4 billion has been allocated to support businesses during this time.

Government Lifting Circuit Breaker in Phases and Safety Measures

The phase one of the end of the circuit breaker starts in June and will continue for at least 28 days before the second phase begins. During this stage, companies in the manufacturing, production, and other sectors where employees need no interaction with crowds will open.

Depending on how the first phase goes and how the virus is contained, the second phase will commence.

Furthermore, the MOM and MOH jointly have issued a Safety Guide for After Circuit Breaker which businesses should adhere to keep their employees safe.

It isn’t Only Up to the Government

Singaporeans need to be more health-conscious and aware of themselves and their surrounding for the government’s efforts to work. Everyone’s health is important; we will be able to contain the pandemic by a large margin if all of us can follow the idea with our hearts.

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