The Top 8 Order Fulfillment Services for 2021

The world of e-commerce almost seems magical nowadays. Customers place their order and their package arrives the next day … but it is not magic. In reality, e-commerce takes a lot of work and coordination. Also, Amazon has unfortunately set a two day standard delivery time. If you are struggling to fulfill orders in time,…

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What Is Wrongful Death? Your Questions, Answered

There are a tragic number of wrongful deaths happening every year, or deaths happening that could have been prevented. To give an example, medical error is the third most prevalent cause of death in the U.S., and this is just one category of wrongful death. The real numbers are incalculable, as this is often something…

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5 Ways to Save on Small Business Postage

Any small business owner that regularly sends things by mail knows that the price of postage adds up fast. Even though fulfilling orders and mailing invoices are necessary expenses, it’s easy to feel like you’re throwing money down the drain. Thankfully, there are quite a few ways to avoid paying top dollar for shipping fees….

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3 Key Things to Understand About Payroll Management

As a small business owner, every cent counts. That’s why it’s imperative to pay attention to payroll management. One seemingly small payroll error can wind up costing your business hundreds or thousands of dollars if not caught in time. Don’t believe us? Consider the following example. In 2017, one Texas company—Precision Demolition—failed to pay one…

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5 Consulting Services That Can Help Your Business

While not always true for creatives and freelancers, most businesses both want and need growth to survive. Growth typically expands your capabilities, which lets you attract more or more profitable customers. That expanded or more profitable customer base provides liquid capital. You can use that improving infrastructure, processes, and hiring additional staff. When it all…

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