Tips for Video Podcasting

Tips for Video Podcasting

Podcasts are most basically defined – and understood – as digital audio content for playing at any time. Sort of like a radio show on the go (and indeed, many radio shows are turned into podcasts). 

In any case, they most basically require a presenter with flair and, above all, a great voice. However, as anyone who is familiar with the most well-known podcasts out there will be well aware, they often have a visual element too. 

We are all familiar with the YouTube videos of our favorite podcasters seated round a table, interviewing guests in studio surrounded by all the top equipment. This is undoubtedly a sign that a podcast has “made it”. 

If you already run a podcast that’s only audio, you might well be thinking of taking the step up to video. It can be a particularly good idea, but it brings with it more work and not a few challenges. Nevertheless, it is undoubtedly a step in the right direction. 

Podcasts for Ecommerce

Moreover, if you are running an ecommerce site, it can also be a step in the right direction. Unlike blogs, which are cheap and easy to produce, podcasts are usually a form of ecommerce diversification – not simply an extra feature on the website. 

Plurawl, a company specializing mainly in clothing items for the Latino community, also produce a Latino podcast quite independent from their clothing line that covers issues relevant to that community. For ecommerce, therefore, a podcast means offering more. And one of the ways to offer even more still is to make it a video podcast. 

Taking That Step Up 

So, regardless of where you are starting, moving to a video podcast is a great idea. But how do you get there? 

When you start out, you will probably focus on incrementally increasing your listeners (not viewers) over the course of the first few episodes. If this goes well, you could see sponsorship and with that more resources. Then it is time to upgrade. Perhaps you’ll get a better microphone, invite better guests, and even diversify into multiple shows under your brand. You could also, of course, move to video. 

The first thing to note about taking this step up is that you will require the resources to do so. If you notice that you do need more resources, the time is certainly ripe. As with many small businesses, the problem with too many small podcasts is not to grasp opportunity for growth when it comes along. Stagnation is death. 

Practical Tips for Video Podcasting 

To finish off, here follows some brief practical tips for video podcasting:

Get a Functional and Good-Looking Studio 

To move to video, getting all the better equipment isn’t enough; you need to also invest in a location that looks good. This usually means a studio, with your brand prominently displayed and the well-known guests’ faces clearly visible amid all the top equipment. If you cannot afford this, it probably isn’t time yet. 

New Presenter Skills 

The presenter of your podcast may have a great voice but, when moving to video, they need to present in front of the camera too. There are extra skills involved here, so you need to make sure the presenter is up to it. 

Make Promotional Videos 

Specifically, these can be highly entertaining clips from interviews that have taken place, only a few minutes in length. These can be cut-edited and used as promotional material. This will also announce that your podcast has joined the major leagues by going video. 

Ultimately, the thing to remember is that, if you move to video podcasting, it is a clear sign of success. Congratulate yourself.

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