RosewoodTrust Review 2021 – What makes this broker my favourite?

Have you ever imagined your life if the trade was not a profession? From the phone that you’re holding, to the ticking wall clock right in front of you everything has reached you through the trading deals. But now trading is not in its original form. With several revolutionary agents coming in, the trade profession has taken a new form and has shifted online. None of the trading branches has stayed behind to facilitate the customers and see them while they enjoy the comfort of their bed.

When forex firms first came in, a whole lot of people were not ready to adopt the new contemporary stock exchanges. People could not see how the need to make weekly or monthly trips to the stock exchange was completely eradicated and hence the reluctance was obvious. But this reluctance was soon over when people realized how much benefits it brought in. Most of the forex firms give everything under one roof in a satisfactory manner so what else could ask for?

I can understand that the major reason behind people’s reluctance to formally sign up was that trusting a firm that runs online with your hard-earned money is not an easy job. You have to be extremely sure and only then you can enjoy peaceful nights after joining a Forex company.

By the time I entered the trading profession, I knew how imperative it was to join one. Although I had an idea how fraudsters were everywhere around me and that I should be very careful, I was trapped because of the super genius strategies applied by the tricksters. Well, for three years I kept oscillating between different firms. Back then, I was too naive to make a fair judgment but gradually I realized that it was time to put an end to the series of unfortunate events. For this, the only tool which came to my help was thorough research. I was ready to figure it out all myself.

It was then when I found out about RosewoodTrust through a friend. He told me his brother, who was an established trader, had been using it for years now and is a satisfied customer. I went home and opened the website to see if it will work for me or not. In only about a couple of weeks, after going through the website and the current users, I was ready to sign up for it.

When you sign up for a forex firm, you can never be sure if the firm is good enough but I felt something about this one like never before. Now that I am a happy customer of the website, I can say this was a very wise choice. From security to customer support, everything here is great and I have a firm belief that not only my assets, but my future is also in safe hands. As we go on in the review, I’ll explain what major players are involved in this feeling which is mutual between all the customers.

I would like to tell you that I have learned what to look for in a good forex firm through a series of betrayals and I want you all to follow all these suggested tips and mark yourselves safe from the tricksters. Also remember that you do not want to get hypnotized by flashy features and end up compromising on important, in fact, mandatory stuff such as security and overall efficiency of the firm and its provided trading operations.


I must say that the security at RosewoodTrust is more than just incredible. I can say that on the basis of the last years that I have spent here. Not even once have I heard of any security breaches or any attacks on the network. In fact, when I went to my seniors to inquire about the website first, everyone told me that security at RosewoodTrust is foolproof. After going through the legal section particularly and through documents like Privacy Policy, Bonus Policy, Withdrawal, Refund and Cancellation Policy, Terms and Conditions, Risk Disclosure Statement, Anti Money Laundering Policy I was so happy to see how transparently the documents were made and this reflected on how the company was not interested in keeping the customer oblivious to the associated threats. The disclaimer at the bottom of the website also clearly states all the associated threats so traders can take measurements accordingly.

Overall Look

The overall look of the forum matters a lot when the website becomes your office. Trading operations and procedures are very complex and the theme of the website can make the experience considerably better. I like to think the website looks great but from the point of view of a trader, I feel like some changes are needed. For me, an ideal website would have a light backdrop because it makes processes like charting way more convenient. A dark background colour might seem chic and stylish but it can be troublesome for your eyes. I cannot deny the contrary opinion’s existence so I would love it if the firm adds a pick-your-theme option.

From the theme, let’s move to the graphics. The graphics are great. I like how the videos have been added to the page to make it more interactive. Also, the font colour and style along with the shape are put out in a way that they are easy to read and prominent.

It can be said that the website is very easy to use and catchy. Both these properties make it more engaging which is another thing you all got to look out for. Move to the top button, the logo leading to the landing page highlights the important options, and the overall self-explanatory nature of the web page makes it fit for traders who are new to the website and the ones who aren’t that much into technology. I must say a user-friendly website takes away half of the worries and the rest half are taken away by a good customer support service.

Customer Support Service

When I first joined a forex firm, I had no idea how much ease good customer support can bring but when I saw my friends calling representatives for literally any problem that they came across, I felt this is a thing I need to look for. When I signed up for RosewoodTrust, I liked how the company’s department was one of the best ones here. The representatives were ever helpful and professional. You can ask them the most basic questions and they’ll reply to you humbly.

To access these well-trained individuals, you need to look for the contact us option on the main page and wait till it takes you to the new page. Here you’ll find multiple options to get in contact with the representatives. These options include call, chat, email, and simple form submission. I have been using the chat option a lot because of the convenience it offers in terms of the time saved. People also use and applaud email and call options. Form submission requires you to add your name and email, attach a file or an image of you want to, type your message and send. The representatives get back to customers in no time. However, it is established that no platform or department is free of flaws. But what I like the most here is that these flaws are minor ones.  For example, here I would love to see an international number for all the customers all around the globe and also the operational hours should be maximized because problems can come running, anytime, anywhere.

Payment Methods

The company offers the customers four methods for making payments such as VISA and bank wire. A lot of traders all around the globe use PayPal so it should also be added to the list soon.

Ease of Access

Would you ever like to carry your laptop to your favourite vacation spot for work? No. But would you like to make a very profitable deal there in seconds? Yes. To give a solution to this, the firm has made the website operational through both phone and the laptop and it is commendable how it is equally user-friendly no matter what device you’re using. Also, there is no need for any external installations.

Feedback Tiles

Feedback is something that not only the companies but the customers are also looking for. This helps them strengthen their trust in the platform. This is why the platform added a feedback bar that keeps telling how much someone liked the platform and the pros and cons. I like how the company lets them be uncensored.

The Final Word

At RosewoodTrust, I have never felt like I have made the wrong choice. This is primarily because of the way it has provided me with an optimal trading environment which has allowed me to double my profits in no time.

Disclaimer: This review is written from my own experience and my self-knowledge only and this is not a recommendation

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