3 Business Network Vulnerabilities Every Business Needs to Fix ASAP

Every successful business in the world relies on a solid, secure IT backbone. This enables the smooth running of operations and the reliable delivery of trusted service.

But with hackers using the latest technology to outsmart their targets, and with malware always around the corner, companies must be aware of network vulnerabilities.

If you worry that parts of your company’s IT infrastructure might be prone to security threats, read on. We’ll show you the three most common network security vulnerabilities and how to fix them quickly and efficiently.

  1. The World Wide Web

The first and biggest threat comes from one of the most common technologies: the internet. Companies can’t do without it, yet that’s also where most security issues stem from.

Don’t worry, though: there are ways to set yourself free from this catch 22. First of all, you need to watch your staff’s web activity and restrict it to secure sites only.

Then, make sure that a skilled IT administrator verifies the safety of all downloads. What you want is for your employees to use the internet only for work-related reasons. Similarly, you want to ensure that they download files that are secure and useful to their job.

  1. Mobile Devices

Another very common yet very dangerous vulnerability is the use of mobile devices. This has been of particular concern since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. An unprecedented number of employees have started to work from home, using personal devices that are not always compliant with security protocols.

Your best bet, if you run a company that promotes flexible and remote working, is to only allow your staff to work from secure, traceable devices.

Do you need help with setting up an IT environment that’s suitable for remote workers? Then you should engage an IT support services provider to assist you from start to finish.

  1. Poorly Managed Passwords

How could we not mention passwords in an article about network security? Passwords become particularly problematic when they are shared among employees, as well as guests.

Has the receptionist ever given the WiFi password to a job candidate sitting in the waiting area? It may sound like a simple and harmless enough thing to do, but it can lead to attacks that cause losses of data and money.

To prevent this from happening, you want to consider three factors.

First, instruct your staff that passwords are confidential and should not be shared for any reason or with anyone. Second, you’ll need to set up a separate WiFi network for guests and visitors. Third, you’ll need to remind your employees to choose strong, complicated, and bulletproof passwords.

If you use all three of these strategies, then you can have the peace of mind that your network will be protected in the best possible way.

No More Network Vulnerabilities

Now that you know where your network vulnerabilities are, you can address any potential issues proactively and effectively.

Don’t wait for a network failure or hacker attack to happen. Protect your IT environment and secure your business success.

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